Vajina Hot Pregnancy, Interesting Situations....please Be Serious?

Pregnancy, interesting situations....please be serious? - vajina hot

OK, it is only that we are very young and seriously want answers. ok my friend was hit in a bathtub and the jets in her vagina, and she is convinced that she could be pregnant. Me and my other friends try to convince them otherwise. Now only serious, it's about this hysterical. Please add some sperm, so that you happened to know exactly what. Only serious answers bodies give your child and someone sarcastic answer, because they asked this before, and it was getting everything what they do.


Meghan said...

it can not become pregnant in this way. First, the aircraft had to be in the vagina, the strike rather than water, but it should be said, indeed. and then would be a man to masturbate in the interior of the spa for two or three minutes near the jet. but the sperm can not survive in a hot environment when the testicles are outside the body, it is in a cold environment (where the sperm into the banks, which are kept at zero) freezers. and even then the sperm would somehow always be on the plane, blowing water under high pressure, but since the sperm is the smallest cell in the body, it would probably dissenigrated. Tell your friend that there was no way she can get pregnant.

leeburri... said...

There are many girls who sits grow up believing they can get pregnant for kissing on a toilet and all sorts of other ways. There are so many girls who believe that if they eat oranges or stand at the head not to get pregnant after having sex. It is normal, and your friend is not stupid.
To be pregnant with the man's penis, and it is the only way your girlfriend might be pregnant. The sperm can not survive a split second into the water, much less water in the tub is filled with so many chemicals such as chlorine and bromine. But once in the water, although some human sperm released into the water, not only will you find the inner journey into the soul of the uterus and everything. Isactually more difficult than it already more intentional acts, such as real relationships.
Good luck.

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