What is the best way to weatherproof the plastic box for a motion sensor originally intended for indoor use? - trick motion sensor
The motion in question is a good infrared detector Quorum (RR-150/A-160/G4567) powered by a 9V battery, DC 5V, which gives about 1 second when it is triggered. The thing is, even I like welding leads to the battery contacts, so you can power through a wall transformer. Comes in a plastic box that is completely waterproof, and as far as I've seen, either by using a glue gun to all seams and holes, or put everything in another plastic (Plexiglas or seal). For the moment I am very concerned about leaks concerns, but it is possible that the temperature is a problem also, I think. The sensor is used in a temporary outdoor installation of six months this summer.
Trick Motion Sensor What Is The Best Way To Weatherproof The Plastic Box For A Motion Sensor Originally Intended For Indoor Use?
2:15 PM
Get a tube of RTV. It is a kind of silicone sealant. Try hardware stores, automotive parts, or maybe Radio Shack. Apply a smooth coat all the seams and the hole where the wires in the box ... and about 2 cm or less in the wiring. You Do not force deep or they may interfere with the sensor. Then, as a kind of putty. After applying a drop at the seams smooth with a wet finger. The smoothing is mainly for aesthetic reasons, but also help to make a good seal. Make sure that when it is appropriate to stop a few inches above the ground, splashing, and as little time as possible.
Get a tube of RTV. It is a kind of silicone sealant. Try hardware stores, automotive parts, or maybe Radio Shack. Apply a smooth coat all the seams and the hole where the wires in the box ... and about 2 cm or less in the wiring. You Do not force deep or they may interfere with the sensor. Then, as a kind of putty. After applying a drop at the seams smooth with a wet finger. The smoothing is mainly for aesthetic reasons, but also help to make a good seal. Make sure that when it is appropriate to stop a few inches above the ground, splashing, and as little time as possible.
Get a tube of RTV. It is a kind of silicone sealant. Try hardware stores, automotive parts, or maybe Radio Shack. Apply a smooth coat all the seams and the hole where the wires in the box ... and about 2 cm or less in the wiring. You Do not force deep or they may interfere with the sensor. Then, as a kind of putty. After applying a drop at the seams smooth with a wet finger. The smoothing is mainly for aesthetic reasons, but also help to make a good seal. Make sure that when it is appropriate to stop a few inches above the ground, splashing, and as little time as possible.
Get a tube of RTV. It is a kind of silicone sealant. Try hardware stores, automotive parts, or maybe Radio Shack. Apply a smooth coat all the seams and the hole where the wires in the box ... and about 2 cm or less in the wiring. You Do not force deep or they may interfere with the sensor. Then, as a kind of putty. After applying a drop at the seams smooth with a wet finger. The smoothing is mainly for aesthetic reasons, but also help to make a good seal. Make sure that when it is appropriate to stop a few inches above the ground, splashing, and as little time as possible.
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